Photo presentation online at my work site

Last night at UF, renowned photojournalist David Burnett gave an excellent presentation at the Union auditorium in conjunction with his exhibition opening at the Union gallery. The humor and enthusiasm in his talk was infectious and I came away with a lot of enthusiasm for the art form. Let’s see what I do with it. You can watch a replay of the presentation online, which I produced.

It was interesting to note that at any given time he could take a picture with a Canon D-SLR, a 4×5 Graflex, a Holga, or a digital point-and-shoot, which he produced to take a photo of the audience so he could show his Mom how many people came out to see him. I might have to pick up a Holga to play with.

I’m writing about this here rather than at work because this is where I blog about photography.

Update: After I sent him a tip, photographer, author, and editor Derrick Story posted a link to here and the webcast on his excellent blog, The Digital Story. I highly recommend his blog and podcast to anyone serious about their photography.